Will You Be A Winchester And Stand Up To Fear?
Fear has so much power and control over lives. BUT only if YOU let it!
My father (who came from an upper-middle-class Jewish family) wasn't very happy with my decision about marrying a blue collar mutt of a man, love you Randy. So he gave me a choice, him or Randy. I chose for love.
For 6 years we were estranged. For 6 years I embraced hatred for his attempt to control my life. But I had a dream that I needed to reconnect. That call that I knew I had to make filled me with such fear. But I thought of what might come out of the other side, the ability to release my hatred and find peace.
After that call, my father got to spend three years with me and Sammy in his life before his passing. Three years that even thought stressful I will always cherish.
Now we may not all fight actual demons like Dean Winchester but he'll be damned if he doesn't overcome that fear that tends to plague his life. He stands up to it for Sam, his family, and others not strong enough themselves!
Do you let fear overcome you?! If so what will it take for you to step up and finally face it?!
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