Be Your Own Starfire
Comparing myself to others.
I would do this all the time. None stop. Comparing my body, my spirit, my life, my business to others. Most of all I did this a lot with my cousins. As kids, we spent a lot of time together at my Grammy’s house. We'd spend holidays together and often just hang out and play. But since it was just the 3 of us I (key word there) often felt compared to them.
They were brother and sister growing up in a whole loving home, no money troubles and no disabled parents. To me their childhood seemed perfect! Whereas mine was damaged and broken, having 2 disabled, divorced and sometimes abusive parents. I would beat myself up over the uncontrollable and halter any growth that I could have let happen because I felt inferior, and so I made myself so.
As I grew older and realized that if I stopped wasting my energy on them and started turning it towards myself I could become the person I had always hoped to be! Erin!
Starfire grew up with a sister that caused her constant rivalry. Comparison between the two as they grew up cause much disdain. But Starfire was able to start to focus on herself and in so saved herself from slavery and came to Earth to join the Teen Titans!
So I ask you, do you compare yourself to those around you and does that keep you from growing?
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