How I Escaped the Web Cage I Created on My Life

I was stuck. All I could think of is what I couldn’t do!
It was like that one car accident put a cage on my life. I remember it clearly. It was a Sunday and we were living in our first apt together. There was a communal laundry room and we were out of change to do laundry. The only way to get money was to hit the ATM about a mile away. We were on our way back home when this car pulls out from a parking lot onto the main road without looking. Randy swerved and tried to avoid her but we still collided diagonally into my side of the car. Smoke was rising from the airbag and Randy was rushing me to get out. But there was a problem, I couldn’t raise my arm! It was limp like when Ace Ventura was darted in his arms. The pain didn’t set in till later. 
From that moment on I looked at my life as what I couldn’t do. As opposed to what I could. I would introduce myself as the disabled girl, or automatically think I couldn’t do something (school, reaching for things ((because I thought my arm couldn't function)), being active, living). To be honest it wasn’t until I got off my meds that I started to push myself. To see my world as I never had before, a blank canvas that I could paint. I wasn’t holding me back anymore. For the first time, I was living. I’m back at school, going out to functions, trying new things, pushing limits I thought were dead ends, I’ve found the life I never realized that I could have!
Cindy Moon, AKA Silk, was bitten by the same as spider Peter Parker. She too also developed spider powers, but unlike Peter, she was taken away and locked in a bunker. Silk believed that the world was better if she allowed her self to be caged up. She could have left at any time! Peter found out about her and convinced her to leave and that she had a family out there who would give her love. With this in mind, Cindy created her own suite and became Silk! 
Have you ever put a cage on your own life?


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