Battling My Outer Gargoyle

Looking in the mirror has always been a struggle for me.⁣

I was always able to find something I didn't like in my own reflection. Too many pimples, thinning hair, too fluffy, too boney. Even looking into the eyes I saw someone in severe pain. It was just so easy to find negativity in the mirror. I never had many positive things said about my apprentice. In fact, when someone would comment about a part of my body and I tried to change it, they would find something else that wasn’t perfect about me. So I ended up also adopting this mindset for myself. It seemed so simple and easy. I went from pretending to have the powers of a superhero as a kid in the mirror to tearing my self apart as a teen and adult and dreading looking in it.⁣

This mindset doesn’t just go away. I to this day still get up and look in the mirror and can find many things about myself. I’m not happy with this I'm not happy with that, but I will NEVER be perfect!.  I’m conscious of that. I realize that comparing myself to others serves no one especially myself. Now I can catch myself when I may revert to that mindset. I can remind myself of what kind of a person I am inside and no matter what I look like on the outside nothing can change that. So instead of leaving the bathroom feeling more broken than when I entered, I try to always leave with more love for myself than when I entered! ⁣

Demona too found trouble looking into the mirror at her human face. You see she was a gargoyle who had a great hatred for humans. But when she had a spell put on her to remain human by day and only revert to her gargoyle form by night, Demona had to get over what she saw in her human form and turn inward.⁣

Do you struggle with what you see in the mirror?⁣


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