Have you ever felt like you're waiting for Batman / Captain America or Wonder Woman / Black Widow to swoop into your life and save everything you perceive to be wrong, well you'll be waiting for like EVER!
I religiously believed that. Maybe I wasn't waiting for actual superheroes but I was wishing somehow, someway a miracle of God would save me. And you know what?! One did! And you know what that miracle was? Myself!
I woke up and realized the only way to change my life was to become my own hero! I stepped up and slowly started to take actions to change my life.
But my biggest act of heroism was the one thing that scared the shit out of me. Acknowledging my marriage was falling apart and taking the actions to save it! I had to put myself in positions I never knew I could handle and because I stepped up I'm the happiest I've been probably since Sammy was born!
Like Batgirl I realized that if I just woke up to what needed to be changed in my life, all I had to do was do the work! Put on my superhero pants and take action on my life instead of letting my life happen to me.
Are you waiting for a hero?! Well, stop and start to take action. Maybe you haven't even woken up to what's wrong yet.
Just know I'm always a Bat-signal away to talk!
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