Are You Willing to Step into Your Tardis

Do you ever feel like you're just stuck in a loop? Like you were meant for more?

I have. I did the same thing for years. I woke up, kept Sammy alive (lol), took my pain meds, and just tried to survive through my painful day trapped in my house. This routine of constant depression and pain was my life for YEARS. Finally hitting bottom of it made me realize I have to have been meant for more. Thus I started to take action!

My most recent adventure has been getting out of the house! I got a PT job for a few hours a week! I haven't really had a job in 13 years but I knew this was something my life needed. I needed to be around other adults to grow and spice my life up.

Amy had to make that same choice the day the Doctor came back into her life. Would she continue in her mundane (sorry Roary) life? OR was she willing to step into the Tardis and become one of the greatest companions the Doctor has ever had!

So I ask you... Are you willing to do what it takes to break that loop of lacking in your life? Are you going to take action and step into that Tardis?


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