As Long as You Love Who You Are Inside The Eeveelution Doesn't Matter
Are you happy with being you?
I wasn’t for a long time. For years I suffered from anorexia and body dysmorphia. Looking at the mirror and no matter how thin I got being discussed with my reflection. I kept telling myself I needed to be skinner or gain weight for this person or that person, never for ME.
It wasn’t until I truly developed a love for myself that that person in the reflection started to become healthy! I had to learn to love who and where I was in order to care enough about her to get her to where I wanted her to be! It took a lot of work and accepting of my faults, failures, and fears, but I am the healthiest and happiest I have ever been.
Take an Eevee from Pokemon! They are these adorable fox/cat-like animals that have the ability to evolve into multiple forms. But regardless of which element the Eevee evolution represents as long as it’s happy on the inside that's all that matters!
When you learn to care about yourself in the here and now, that is when you’ll realize you can be happy with you!
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