Don't Let Other Stop You From Sharing Your Book

Have you ever let the fear of opinion stop you from your own goals?

I have! When I first started thinking of sharing my journey to help others, I let that fear stop me. What if people judged me, what if I wrote something the wrong way? It paralyzed me and I got nowhere.

It wasn't until I started to become a health coach that I learned that I will NEVER be able to help anyone if I let this irrational fear control me. It doesn't matter what someone else thinks as long and what I'm doing is right for me and helping others! 

Once I got over that fear that's when I started to shine! That's when I truly became a health coach!

Like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She kept her head in her book and ignored what others thought of her. If she had cared she might not have taken the time to see the true goodness in the Beast!

So do you keep your head in your own story and do what's right for you, or are you too worried about others opinions?


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