I Have The Power So Do YOU!

What if what your belief was holding you back from being the best you can be?

Lord do I know this first hand. For 12 years I let the fact that I was disabled keep me from doing EVERYTHING. "I have loss of motion, I can’t do this". "I have chronic pain, I can’t do that". 

This mentality kept me from growing for years. But what if I overthrew that mentality and started to think, "let’s try this, let’s try that". In fact, I have been able to do anything I want since having to go off my pain meds. Having that constant reminder every 6 hours of my pain and disability, that was a constant mindset setback. Without it, well I AM free.

Adora was raised by the Evil Horde. Having Shadow Weaver cast that control spell on her kept her believing the that Horde was good and just. But when she finally raised her sword, gained her power and overthrew the magic, she saw the truth of her life and became She-Ra and Princess of Power!

What belief in your life can you overthrow like She-Ra did her evil spell?


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