Run From Your Problems Or Take Action!

Pretending your problems are gone won't change things...

You know those times you try to ignore, remove yourself, or distance yourself thinking it'll resolve on its own.

Well, I'm sorry to tell ya cub, but the only way your problems can get resolved it to face them and take action.

I know this well. I was estranged from my family for 6 years after marrying Randy (he was below my status so I was looked down upon). But no matter how much time and distance I put between me and my family they were still there in the back of my mind. This unresolved whole in my heart.

The only way I could make peace with them, and MYSELF was to reconnect and reconnect to some degree the ties that bound us!

Like Simba, he had to go back and save Pride Rock. He was a soul meant for better things than to hide and run!

As akin soul to Simba, I say this in all honesty... Your soul is meant for better than to run and hide as well!


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