See The World Through Pinkie Glasses

Have you ever seen something in a different way than everyone else?

Dude, you’re talking to the queen of weird lol. I’ve always been creative. I remember when I was a kid I would look to find all the images I could in the wood paneling in our basement!

But once I got older I was under the impression that being different was bad. So I tried as much as possible to hide my creativity and conform to the norm. But I was suffocating myself. You can kinda see when I finally re-embraced my true crazy self in my posts lol. And all I can say is I am so fracking happy in doing so!

Pinkie pie is by far the oddest ball member of the main 6 but you know what she does Pinkie Pie to her heart's content and is full of pure joy and happiness because of it!

So don’t be afraid to embrace your differences and fully embrace them!

#beyourownsuperhero #pinkiepie #mylittlepony


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