The Only War You can Win is With Yourself; Hulk

Have you ever felt like you were at war with the world?⁣⁣⁣
Like you life was happening to you instead of for you?⁣⁣
I have basically my whole life. I was at war, and it was exhausting. Nothing was happening like it was supposed to. I didn't finish college because I turned into the thing I feared the most, my mother. Disabled, depressed and a person who had given up.⁣⁣⁣
I've had many rock bottoms in my life and each time I learned something from it. This last rock bottom... I learned the only war I can win is the one with myself! That is the person and thing I have control over. So why was I letting life happen to me and not taking control and living my life on MY terms!?⁣⁣⁣
Bruce Banner was at constant war to control the Hulk. But when he found inner peace and realized it wasn't the Hulk he had to control but HIMSELF, that's when the two could work together and save lives as a team!⁣⁣⁣
So are you at war with your inner Hulk or have you found peace with it yet?⁣⁣⁣
#beyourownsuperhero #hulk #avengers4 #hulkcosplay #marvelcosplay


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