You Can Change From Evil Queen to Happily Ever After

Have you ever felt there are 2 types of people? Those who had everything made and those who get crapped all over them. 

I considered myself the latter. I couldn't see the good that was right in front of my face and in turn I was never happy!

I just hope I'd have a better future. But even when the future happened I wasn't happy.

I decided to try an exercise. What if I found one small thing to be grateful for each day?! A cup of coffee, a smile on my kiddo's faces, inspiring one person with my story... 

As I did that I realized that I had a lot more to be grateful for than I thought. My outlook on my life started to change. I realized why should I wait for happiness in the future when I have so much to be happy for now?!

Regina struggled with this as well. She had Henry all along, but she was always looking elsewhere for happiness. It took many seasons but when she finally saw the beautiful blessings already in her life she found pure happiness! 

Do you find things in your life to be grateful for? If not maybe you should!


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