Not Sharing Your Feelings is a Mystique

How many times do we get too comfortable with each other and forget to communicate?

This happens so much with my family and is something we are always working on. We would always assume we knew each other's feelings about things. Acting without taking the time to ask or give our thanks for the daily little tasks we’d do for each other each day. But as this went on resentment and bitterness started to creep up. Doing things like the dishes was something that would piss me off, especially when Sammy or Randy would just leave dishes out without putting them away. 

But that all changed when I actually spoke up and shared my thoughts (in a calm not pissed off way lol). Just asking them to please put their dishes in the sink, or put their clothes away in the hamper created such a relief of stress and made them realize that just saying thank you to me for those daily tasks would make my day! 

Take Mystique! She is constantly hiding who she is. This feeling of not being able to express her self and true feelings causes her to hide from humanity and their persecution thus causing her to take up with Magneto. 

So do you openly share your feelings with those around you or do you keep them bottled up?


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