When You Stop Bring Up The Past You Can Assemble Your Avengers
Have you ever done something that you felt you had to keep blaming yourself over?
I would do this constantly! If I deemed that I did something wrong I would constantly bring it back up to myself. Drudging up that past and punishing myself over and over again for it. I would even withhold good things that could come into my life until I felt I suffered enough. I've done this at school with my grades. If I got a bad grade in a class I knew I could have aced.
It wasn’t until I realized that there was no way I could continue living like that, that I learned to be able to put my past behind me and move one! Accepting I'm human and not perfect and looking toward my future and not my past.
Tony Stark suffered greatly from this in Civil War with the innocent deaths. It wasn’t until he could let go of those losses and stop punishing himself and the team that he felt he could rejoin forces with his friend Captain America and bring back the Avengers to set right what went wrong!
Do you punish yourself when you should just let things go?
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