When Your Future Vision Is Clear You Embrace Your Inner Nightwing
Do you ever feel like you have no vision of your future?
For years making decisions has been super difficult for me. And if this decision had to deal with my future gosh I’d look to Randy or anyone I deemed important, with pleading eyes to make it for me. Taking on the weight of my own life when I didn’t know where it was going, seemed so daunting. Maybe this is a result of growing up in a controlling environment or my lack of life skills, but that is how I spend most of my life.
Once I started to delve into who I wanted to be. What I want to do and started to realize what my path truly is, these decisions started to get easier. I had made my vision of what I wanted for my future! IT was crystal clear and no matter what anyone else was telling me about it I knew that it was my truth!
Dick Grayson constantly struggled with what he saw for his future. He battled with Batman for what he wanted for his life. But when he realized that in order for him to grow he had to leave Robin and Batman behind and dawn the Nightwing, and go out on his own. His path became clear to him!
Do you struggle with finding your future vision?
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