How I Swam The Oceans of Belief

I was a burden on my family.
I at least that's what I told myself, over and over again. I would think of myself as disabled and unable to contribute to my family. I thought I had become my mother, a hermit who did nothing to help her family but cause them pain and heartache. I would bring myself down thinking of all the money we needed for my meds, only allowing myself to think about my pain, and worst for separating myself from my own family to protect them from the hurt I deemed I would cause them.
That all changed when I realized that the only one who thought I was a burden on their lives what me! With that realization, I had a lot of work to do. I had to let go of this burdened persona and find out who Erin really was underneath. This took a few years I’m not gonna lie, but in that time I discovered that I was a gifted, strong and beautiful person! I was able to get off those meds that dragged me down. I had more ability than I ever could have imagined contribute to not just my family but the world! And the person whose life I can contribute to the most is my own!
Aquaman allowed his thoughts of not being a good enough king to keep him from taking his place as ruler of the oceans. It wasn’t until he was able to change his mindset and realize the greatness that was in him did he fight for the trident that was rightfully his and take his place and king!
Have you let a belief you’ve had keep you from greatness?


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