Uncover Your Magic That is Right In Front of You

We all have truths but sometimes we can’t see them.
I used to think that being the black sheep of the family was a bad thing. That being different from what my family expects was something I should be ashamed of. In doing this I was being self-destructive. I was putting everything that I was doing even if it was awesome down because I was following a bull shit assumption that what was true to my heart was wrong. 
But something amazing happened when I decided to embrace it. The day I decided to fully embrace my cosplay despite what others thought, I found my true inner power and ability to share my passion. I was able to help others true to my heart with all that I’ve learned through my self-love journey! And I’ve been helping others with that power, passion, and magic ever since!
Emma Swan didn’t believe in magic when she first came to Storybrooke. No, she was so deep in her beliefs of what others thought was the truth, that when magic was shown to her face (Pinocchio) she couldn’t even see he was turning back to wood. But finally, when she truly started to listen to her son Henry, she realized that she had her own magic and fully embraced the power of light and her destiny as the savior!
He you opened your eyes to a truth you couldn’t see before?


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