Becoming The Queen of the North

Removing yourself from what’s harming you!
When I was a kid I grew up in 2 separate households. I was the caretaker in both. I stayed at my mother's on the weekdays. She suffered from Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, was bulimic, a hermit, and abused her pain meds. I didn’t understand that back then, I just knew that she was a fun best friend when she was good (not high) and she seemed like a monster when she was bad. I remember on Sundays crying at my fathers and begging him to stay at his house when I could hear the slurred speech in her voice over the phone.
I stayed mostly in my room when she was doped up. Hiding from a monster I loved and not knowing how to protect myself from. There were many nights that I would dread hearing the clinking of her cane by my door at night. See I knew that if she was coming to my room late at night that she had an accident (shed shit on the floor no making it to the bathroom) that I would have to clean up, getting up anywhere from 1-5 am in the morning to clean your mom’s mess was a lot for an elementary school kid. There was even a fire incident with her losing consciousness while smoking a cigarette. That was scary almost burning down our apt! I knew I couldn’t keep living my life like this, so when I was old enough I left my mom and went to live full time with my father. It was a hard thing to leave someone I loved so dearly but her damaged life was not something that I wanted to let drag me down. I still kept in touch with her, but not living with my Mom freed me to start to live my life.
Jon Snow used to allow his status as a bastard’s son define him and keep him from feeling as important as his half brothers and sisters. But as Jon grew as a person he realized that he had the power to throw off that label and become an amazing warrior and leader!
Have you been brave enough to step up and know you need to take action when something is toxic in your life?


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