Fighting the Darkness of Anxiety

I was a slave to, NO I was obsessed with my fear and anxiety of storms.⁣

I can’t say exactly where it stemmed from but as a child, I developed a severe fear of thunderstorms. This phobia lessoned as I grew up, that is until we got hit with a major hurricane, Irene, in 2011. We were living at the in-laws (one of the multiple times) and had made their lower floor a VERY SMALL apartment. After Irene hit we were left without power for 5 days. 5 Days I was left taking care of Sammy with nothing to do, but focus on my chronic pain. And since we were broke I had no money to spend. The anxiety of this misery brought up my fear of storms to a new high. From then on I couldn’t get through a day without looking at the weather to see if it would storm or even if the weather was not the norm for that time of year.⁣

This fear crippled me to the point that I’d choose to stay home if there was even a chance of a storm and make sure I could hide in a safe bathroom or closet. I’d sit there with Sammy, tucked away watching the radar and praying that the power would stay on. I lived like this for 2 years, until I was able to realize that worrying about what I couldn’t control was draining my life and ruining my time with Sammy. Slowly but surely I was able to let go of the phobia I let control me for so long and finally live my life taking things as they came instead of wasting it.⁣

Maleficent was one of the top fairies in her realm. She was good to all and enjoyed her magical life. That was until Stefan stole her heart then betrayed her and cut off her wings. This created such heartbreak and rage in Melificent that she became an anxious and obsession with her hatred for humans. She could now think of only one thing, destroying everything Stefan, now the king loved. This obsession anxiety, rage, and fear led to her undoing when Prince Philip killed her in her dragon form. ⁣

Have you ever let your fear and anxiety make you obsessed and keep you from living?⁣


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