How Taking Action Made Me Incredible

I was about to lose everything but instead, I took action and gained my own identity!
It was over our marriage. We hadn’t shown genuine love for each other in years. He lived his life outside our home and would come home around 2am to sleep to leave in the mornings. I had been a single mom to Sammy for the most part and I was ready to make it final. The fault was both of ours. As we went through our struggles, money, loss, children, we stopped talking to each other. Stopped seeing the love and beautify that we once embraced in each other! Randy avoided our problems and I hid from them. But when we were about to lose the freedom we had just gained, from a lack of action, I was done. I was ready to leave. I was ready to take my own action!
This was a wake-up call to him. The man I didn’t think still loved me, the man who I once loved resurfaced and decided to fight for his family! To show how much he truly loved us and refused to lose us. We both started to put effort into our relationship. We started to talk to each other, share our dreams and goals, we would talk about our fears instead of hiding from them. He took action in being present and taking care of his family and showing love, and I took action in coming out of the shadows and decided to go back to school to fulfill my art destiny (something I feared I had lost, and stopped trying to do) and help our family out with a dream job I thought I could never have since the car accident. By almost losing everything we both gained EVERYthing!
Like me, Elastigirl lost touch with the love she once had for Mr. Incredible. They had fallen out of touch with each other and stopped showing the true love that they once had. It wasn’t until they took action and awakened their superhero connection that they were able to reconnect and become closer than they had ever been!
Have you almost lost someone you care about because you didn't act?


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