Speeding Out of the Darkness of My Depression

Becoming numb to your own darkness.
It was so easy to just shut down and disconnect. To embrace the ease at which the depression and negativity took over. The not caring, not fighting, not wanting and not giving. I didn’t have to do anything but let it consume me. And boy did I let it. There was a period of time that I had fallen so low that I would shutter at a touch, that making love seemed like torture and that being happy, well that was a joke. 
When the misery of this existence was unbearable I started to care little by little. I started to fight, I started to remind myself to share affection, to not be shut off, and that I can change how I see my life as long as I fight for what I want! Happiness. I started to read books, I listened to podcasts and stories of others who had risen from their own darkness. I started to open up with those who I loved and stopped connecting with and I admitted that I had dragged myself down and was ready to change! Every morning I started to go over the last day and be thankful for all the good that happened to me, even my morning coffee. Through this practice, I started to climb from the darkness and into the light!
Cheetara was always known as a Thundercat who looked towards the light, but when she was captured by the mutants and suffered under their enslavement for 5 years, she lost herself to the darkness. It wasn’t until Tygra saved her and showed her how to see the light again that she was able to be the great ThunderCat of speed she used to be! 
It’s so easy to stay in depression but do you want to find the light?


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