My Speedy Battle Out Of Addiction

It happened quickly without me realizing it but those pills became my lifeline, and a crutch which kept me from flying to find my true potential. 
I would allow my pain and my pain meds to control me for 12 long years. 12 years of making sure that I could use my pain and my pills as an excuse from not trying. 12 years of being comfortable in misery and not wanting to try to seek a way out of it. 12 years of me introducing myself as disabled and suffered from chronic pain. But that stopped after Owen was born and I had already started to do some self-growth work on myself. A new law had been made and I either had to make it so my family could never leave the in-laws with how much money it would cost to see special Drs to get my meds, or I had to woman up and get off of them. It was a process that took me 2 months. I started by skipping one dose. I knew it was going to be hard, not only was this a mental battle but a physical one with my body being so dependent on these meds. 
I came up with a strategy to keep my mind busy at the times that I would take meds. I need something to keep my mind focused so I wouldn’t only be thinking of this is when I’d take my pills. With this strategy in mind and strategically planned I was able to handle the withdraw a lot better! By month 2 I was only taking 1.5 pills and by the end of month 2 I was completely pain meds free. The funny thing is my pain seemed to be the same but my mind was free and able to do more and be more open to things I never was before. This made my pain off meds more tolerable than on them! I am so much happier and am doing things now the Drs told me I never could, or would have tried!
Roy Harper, Speedy, also struggled with addiction. He started using the drug Heroin and became a shadow of his former self. It wasn’t until Green Arrow and Green Lantern found him and helped him get into recovery that he was able to overcome his addiction. He then became a counselor to help others fighting the same battle, and started to pay his second chance forward!
Have you fought and overcome something you once thought impossible?


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