The Marvel of How I Stopped My Father From Taking Advantage Of Me

I would allow others to take advantage of me all the time!
I’m not kidding if someone asked something of me I would always be the person to say yes. I would also be an easy target for those who wanted to manipulate and abuse my naivety. But what was worse is I would allow myself to stay in the presence of these people, feeling abused, but still yearning for their love, friendship or approval. 
This happened a lot on Saturdays with my father. Since he was legally blind he couldn’t drive and as soon as I was old enough to drive myself, I was happy to offer to drive him places and save him $100’s on cabs. That was until he would have me drive him 6-10 places taking up my whole day. As a teenager, this wasn’t something I looked forward to. In fact, it took me into my 20’s to step up and say something to my father, to tell him I dreaded Saturdays. I realized that by not saying anything I was starting to become consumed with disdain, resentment, I would dread these times when I should be having fun with my dad. Once I did though things changed, he made sure to cut down his stops and if there was more he would ask first. This made our Saturdays fun again and our relationship a bit better.
Carol Danvers gets taken advantage of in the comics as well. She is manipulated by a character known as Marcus so that she falls in love with him. He then takes her to his universe and impregnates her with his clone. Carol eventually escapes and is able to return home. Since then she is much more careful with who and how people affect her life
Have you let others take advantage of you?


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