How I Learned to Live For Me And Not For Others

I was a people pleaser⁣

I would go out of my way for others. ⁣

For years I lived my life for others. When I got my first job I cared about the people that I worked with. I cared so much that I stopped living my life and stopped doing things I wanted to do after work so I could please them. I’m serious, doing things I LOVED to do for people that I thought cared about me. I thought that by living my life for others I was making a difference. I remember instead of going home and working on projects I would take co-workers home or would stop and run errands for them.

This halted after I stopped working at that store. I discovered that the people I cared about, who I thought were my friends. The people who I thought I was making an impact in their lives,  really didn’t give a shit about me and just used me because I offered. I learned that there has to be a healthy balance between doing for others and making sure number one also gets some loving from herself. I understood after looking back that this was a theme throughout my life, probably because I was raised to be a caretaker and to think of everyone but myself. Well, those days are over baby! How can I truly take care of those I love without making sure I’m taken care of too! So no more do I always say yes or always go out of my way. Now I balance my priorities with serving others!⁣

Snow White also did for others before herself. She was always putting herself aside for those she cared about, so much so that while she was taking care of the dwarves she fell victim to the evil queen. It wasn’t until she met Charming who showed her, her own self-worth that she started to stand up and became the strong and brave Snow Storybrooke is so proud of!

Have you stopped living your life for others before?⁣


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