How I Realized Just Cause I'm Disabled I Could Be A Good Mother
The moment she said those words, I let myself break.
It was about a day after we had brought Sammy home from the hospital. My mother in law came over to our place for a few days to help us out. I mean we were first-time parents and man we had no clue. To be honest I just didn’t feel like a capable parent. But the moment my MIL uttered the words out loud those inner thoughts solidified. Randy was at work and we were chilling and watching a show. She said to me. “I mean do you really think you can be a good mother Erin. With your chronic pain and being disabled? You think you can take care of her?” Tears instantly welled up in my eyes as I was speechless to defend myself. I just turned my head and became invisible.
For years I let those words hurt and haunt me. I even gave into fear that “someone” would deem me an unsuitable parent and take Sammy away from me. I felt that I had to prove to others that I could be a good mother. Now, let me tell you how unfulfilling your life is while trying to do it for others. It wasn’t until Owen was born that the weak mindset that I survived with had dissolved for something stronger. When we brought Owen home I was the one who knew that I could handle another child. This time we were living at the in-law's house so negativity was constantly thrown at me at any chance. But I stayed strong. I stayed in my room and surrounded myself with positivity, I grew friendships online of other like-minded people and I let those once hurtful words fall off my invisible shield that no one knew I had created. Don’t get me wrong, I still have days where I have weak moments but those moments are far different from living with the weak mindset that consumed me for years.
Red Sonja had every reason to embrace a negative mindset! Her family was killed, she was raped, but Sonja still survived. Not only did she live but she was given great fighting skills from the goddess Scathach for her tenacity and constant will to thrive beyond all odds!
Have you let the actions of someone break you?
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