Dealing With Mommy Guilt the Sarah Connor Way

I could never buy anything without mommy guilt.

I LOVED to window shop! I would even do it virally. I’d look at a stores website and add all the amazing things I loved to my cart, no matter the price. Of course, I never pressed the buy button. But when it came time to actually buying things, I wanted or even needed for my self, I would have a breakdown. I wasn’t being a good mother by spending money on myself when it could be used for our family or kids. Do you know how many times I would be about to buy a shirt, or nail polish, just to put it back right when we went to the checkout? I mean I was even able to save up points from Bing searches and get Amazon gift cards, but could never use them on myself!

I’m not gonna lie, I still struggle with this a bit. Mommy guilt is a powerful thing. It’s an excuse that you don’t believe in yourself in one way or another. I shouldn’t spend the money, I shouldn’t be a working mom, I should be spending more time with my kids. This is something that we as women torture ourselves with because we allow little doubts (from ourselves or others) to build up to the point that we cause severe anxiety. I’m working on myself with this area that I deserve to spend money on myself and not always on the kiddos. I mean how are they going to learn that it’s ok for them to buy for themselves if they don’t see me do it too?

Sarah Connor is one badass mom. She never let’s Mom guilt stop her from doing what is right for her and John! She sacrificed a normal childhood with him to fight the terminators. In fact, she’s one of the strongest moms both mentally and physically out there killing machines!

Have you had mommy guilt about an area in your life?⁣


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