Learning How to Step Out of My Comfort Zone Like a Night Elf

It’s something I would avoid at all costs.
I hate proofreading my papers and writing. When I write I get flooded with ideas that I want to put on paper. But because of my Dyslexia, my thoughts don't always flow properly from my brain to my typing fingers. So rereading a paper I know is flawed even though I know the ideas are correct is hard. When I'm writing I have to hurry to get my thoughts from my mind to the page because I'm easily distracted, thank you ADD, and sometimes the distractions come across in my writing. 
When I younger and in school, I would always ask someone else to proofread my paper for me so I wouldn’t have to see all the mistakes I made. But being in school as an adult I am now learning to step up and properly proofread my own papers. I have an amazing professor I am learning from and she is guiding me. These papers are full of my good ideas, I shouldn’t be afraid to want to correct the grammar mistakes in them! I need to step out of my comfort zone to make sure my papers are the best that I can make them. Granted I still am horrible at grammar but that is when I call in my friends and use tools to help. I’m so proud to say that over the course of this semester my teacher has seen my writing greatly improve. She told me that she is so proud of how I am working past my disabilities. I am not letting fears that once would have kept me from getting a better grade in the past keep me from producing my best this time around!
Night Elves often have to face that which scares them. They have to step into fear to ensure the survival of their race! Tyrande Whisperwind is one of the leaders of this beautiful culture. She is a strong warrior and high priestess of the Sisterhood of Elune. When she first became priestess she was full of doubt of her ability to lead her people. But she didn't let that discomfort stop her from doing what needed to be done! She kept a strong heart and embraced these new paths. Leading and guiding those in the way of the Night Elves.
Are you able to do what needs to be done even if it's out of your comfort zone?


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