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A Bajorian State of Mind

I felt like the world wouldn’t love me if I didn’t make a social media post 3 times a day.⁣ When I started to do an online business I was flooded with information. This is when you so do this, that is when you should do that and if you didn't do these things you wouldn't find success. One of the things we were told to do was to be on social media constantly. “You should post 2-3 times a day. You should like and comment all the time on other's posts who you wanted to do business with, and you should always respond to all comments and messages. I took these things to heart. So much so that I allowed an ungodly social media schedule rule my life. I couldn’t be without my phone and checking to see how many likes I got or if I missed a post from someone I wanted to work with. ⁣ It was a big change in my life when I decided I didn’t want to have a career down that path anymore. It took a while to try and reprogram my brain. “Erin it doesn’t matter anymore how many likes yo

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